VA Ann Arbor Fisher House
For information regarding a consult or reservation, please contact the VA Staff: or call (734) 845-3000
Because a family's love is good medicine...
The VA Ann Arbor Fisher House is the first Fisher House to be built in the state of Michigan and welcomed its first guests on June 1, 2020. The VA Ann Arbor Fisher House is a beautiful “home away from home” that provides high quality, temporary lodging to families and caregivers of Veterans and active duty Servicemembers who are undergoing an episode of care at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS) Medical Center or in conjunction with a Veterans Health Administration (VHA) authorized hospital stay in the local community. The Fisher House will enable family members to be close to their loved one during a hospitalization by providing comfortable, cost free lodging, in a relaxed setting that will only be a short walk away from the VA Ann Arbor Medical Center.
The VA Ann Arbor Fisher House has benefited from the tireless efforts of Fisher House Michigan, a non-profit organization, that has raised more than $15 million of their $20 million goal to support the construction of any Fisher House built in Michigan and to support the families utilizing the houses once completed. Fisher House Foundation constructed the house and gifted it to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to support the need in Michigan upon its completion on April 20, 2020. Construction on the VA Ann Arbor Fisher House began in late April 2019 and the groundbreaking ceremony took place June 14, 2019.
Families must be referred by their Veteran's VA health care team
Families supporting their Veterans during a hospitalization at the VA Medical Center can be referred to the Fisher House Program to see if they qualify for free, temporary accommodations within walking distance of their Veteran. This allows families to be close to their loved one during a medical crisis and focus on what's important--the healing process. A Fisher House is NOT a temporary residence, treatment facility, hospice, or counseling center.
Referrals do not guarantee a reservation
Individuals requesting Fisher House accommodations must be referred via electronic consult by their VA health provider. A referral is a request and does NOT guarantee a room reservation. Reservations are based on eligibility and room availability.
Eligibility Criteria
The VA Ann Arbor Fisher House welcomes guests who:
Have a loved one receiving care at the VA Ann Arbor Medical Center or are receiving care at a local hospital authorized by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Live 50 miles or more away or have a 2-hour commute from the Fisher House
Are actively engaged in the hospitalized Veteran's treatment plan
Are medically stable and able to stay in a non-medical, unsupervised setting
Are willing to abide by all house guidelines and regulations
A ‘home away from home’
Each Veteran's family is allowed one private suite to share, with a maximum occupancy of four people. Families share a communal kitchen, laundry room, dining room, and family room with all other guests in the house. Children under the age 18 are permitted to stay at the Fisher House with their parent or guardian. Pets are not allowed in the Fisher House however, we are able to accommodate a guest who has a service dog. The Fisher House provides accommodations for families going through a medical crisis; therefore, walk-in visits are not allowed.
Get Involved
The Fisher House has a constant stream or families who appreciate the support of a fully stocked kitchen and home cooked meals. Please consider signing up for the Meal Train to provide a meal for up to 40 individuals, or providing grocery gift cards. If you would like to make a donation or to discuss the items we have on our wish list, please contact us. Please remember to complete the in-kind donation form and bring it with your donation. Thank you!
VA Ann Arbor Fisher House opened June 1, 2020 and has since served almost 10,000 individuals! Thank you for making this possible!
Mailing Address for donations:
Fisher House Michigan
PO Box 130466
Ann Arbor, MI 48113
VA Ann Arbor Fisher House
Physical Address: 2215 Fuller Court
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
(Please do not send mail here)
From Fuller ROAD, follow the signage for the Emergency Department on Fuller COURT. The Fisher House is a red brick building with white columns, located on Fuller COURT, and is well marked with a bricked sign in the front yard.
VA Staff E-mail:
VA Staff Phone: 734-845-3000
Giving Physical Gift to the Fisher house? Call or email us first! 313-483-6543